So in my daily readings today I came across a passage that brought me so much joy I thought I would share it. Although I first must add my reading came in Jeremiah, it was a beautiful and extremely significant passage of freeing slaves, and then un-freeing them, and then God punishing the wickedness and allowing the Babylonians to destroy them. But the passage in Romans gave me a lot to ponder for today. Romans 8:18, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." So often in our culture everything is about comparing things. What does the new one have that the last one didn't, which car is faster, more horsepower, bigger? But I love this comparison that Paul is making, that it isn't even worth comparing. That no matter what we are suffering through, no matter what struggle you are facing right now, that it will pale in comparisons, if you can even compare it at all, to what God has in store for us in Heaven.
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