Knotts Day

This Saturday!  Meet at Ocean Hills at 9am.  We will be carpooling, and leaving when we are tired.  You can buy your tickets online or once we get to the park.  I am so very excited for the first official Depth Event.  As you will read in the next post there are many events in the pipeline that we will be announcing.  Yes the first event is a fun and fellowship one, but we have many ministry ideas and places that need help that we cannot wait to serve them and the Lord! Stay tuned.....


Depth is a community of believers who love to worship and love to learn more about their Creator. We meet every Sunday night at 7:00pm at Ocean Hills Church. (map) At every service you can expect to participate in passionate worship and hear an in-depth message from the Scriptures. After the service join us in our coffee shop for free drinks and snacks served alongside some amazing fellowship.

32222 Del Obispo
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

What are you most excited about for Revelations?