Phone Features

So I have this new app for my iphone that I thoroughly enjoy.  What it allows me to do is setup phone calls.  So I can make it so that you call someone else on their phone.  Trust me I have had a blast with this feature.  I'll have two friends nearby and setup the call.  The first person picks up their phone and says, "Hello" the next person then proceeds to get a call and answers, "Hello".  It takes a moment for them to understand what is going on, they start blaming each other, then they look at me laughing and figure it out quickly.  But with great powers come great responsibility.  I thought to myself what if I have people who havent talked to someone in years call each other.  Or if two people are in an argument and refuse to talk, make them talk to each other. 
The more I thought about this, the sadder it made me.  Unfortunately many of us have a relationship with someone that we have no desire to talk to.  Now, yes, there are circumstances where it would be unhealthy to speak to someone, but often enough we have people that we have fought with and we simply refuse to speak to them.  My question to you this week is this, is there someone you need to make amends with? Is there someone that you havent spoken to, you're glad you havent talked to them, but you know the healthy thing is to speak to them.  My encouragement to you is to give them a call.  Don't wait for them to initiate the conversation, dont expect them to call first, because they screwed up. Take the first step and restore that relationship.  Imagine if God stopped speaking to use every time we hurt our relationship with Him.


Depth is a community of believers who love to worship and love to learn more about their Creator. We meet every Sunday night at 7:00pm at Ocean Hills Church. (map) At every service you can expect to participate in passionate worship and hear an in-depth message from the Scriptures. After the service join us in our coffee shop for free drinks and snacks served alongside some amazing fellowship.

32222 Del Obispo
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

What are you most excited about for Revelations?