So it seems honesty has sometimes left the world, but I had a refreshing experience where I saw that some can still be brutally honest. For the High School Winter Retreat I bought a pay as you go cell phone. I didnt want to take my phone on the slopes as I like powder and that often means lots of water and moisture. So after purchasing this phone and setting it up, it doesnt work, it only says, "No Service". This occurs for two days and I call the company. The inform me that their network is down. I ask if this is common, if this phone will be reliable if I actually want to use it. The operator tells me, "If you want a reliable phone, you should go with a good carrier, like AT&T or Verizon", she then goes on to tell me that she doesnt even have one of their phones, she just works for the company. On one hand I could not imagine selling a product I dont believe in. At first I was saddened, someone who for a living selling something that they didnt believe in, but then I realized her honesty. Almost everytime I go to a resturant and I ask the waiter "What's the worst thing on the menu?", 90% of the time they tell me "Everything is good." This operator's honesty was refreshing when so often we are not honest with one another. I think of the story of Nathan and David in 2nd Samuel 12. David had sinned, and I mean big time, but his good friend Jonathon was brutally honest with him. Jonathan didnt hold back, didnt fear retailiation, he shared the truth out of love to his friend. How often do we avoid the truth because we are afraid of us. So many times people are afraid to confront someone they care about who is livinng in sin because they are afraid of the person's reaction. We fear honesty and would rather have a love one continue in sin and keep our realtionship as is that do what Jonathon did. Often we fear the truth or think that we shouldnt share the truth with others, but we cannot forget the words of Christ in John 14:6, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light". Jesus is the Truth, we should never fear the truth, but hold on dearly to it.
2 samuel 12
Posted by
Evan Liewer
December 28, 2008
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