Rainbows aren't just for little girls

Ah, a message entitled "Rainbows and Unicorns".  I must admit I was quite excited when i realized that this is what I was going to entitle my message.  But hopefully I gave the entire story of Noah complete justice.  So if you missed the message click this blog title and you can watch the service from this past Wednesday.  But just remember as we are in the rainy season and there are bound to be rainbows, remember the Covenant (Berith) and ponder what God has promised He will do, what He is doing, and what we faithfully know He will continue to do.


Depth is a community of believers who love to worship and love to learn more about their Creator. We meet every Sunday night at 7:00pm at Ocean Hills Church. (map) At every service you can expect to participate in passionate worship and hear an in-depth message from the Scriptures. After the service join us in our coffee shop for free drinks and snacks served alongside some amazing fellowship.

32222 Del Obispo
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

What are you most excited about for Revelations?